News & Announcements

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

Diwali, a popular and joyful Hindu holiday commonly referred to as the Festival of Lights, takes place on Monday, Oct 24 in the U.S. Learn more about Diwali and check out theseplaces you can celebrate in the Bay Area, including lighting a diya or enjoying colorful rangoli. And, don’t forget the sweets!
Continuing our observance of LGBTQ History month, a reminder to check out the GLBTHistorical Society in San Francisco. The museum demonstrates the importance of queer history to the public and shares rich stories of everyday queer life among the diverse populations of San Francisco over the last century.
Upcoming Events in the Lamorinda Area

  • AAPI Parent Affinity Space Tuesday, Nov 1 at 7pm in the Campo Library. Open to all Asian, South Asian, South/Asian American identifying parents/guardians/caretakers of teenagers in AUHSD or related middle schools. RSVP requested. Please email to have the flyer sent to you.
  • Latinx/Indigenous People’s Festival Wednesday, Nov 9 from 5:30-7:30pm at Miramonte. This is open to all of AUHSD and you can learn more via their flyer

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